Published Books


For Will Watson it was time for a cahnge. Life in England had gone sour for him, so he and his Golden Retriever Mia headed to the other side of the World – to a small Australian mountain town called Maleny.There, Will tries to navigate through the surprising and sometimes sinister ways of his adopted community while trying to make a living. 

As he strives to feel at home in Australia, Will is faced with a long list of challenges that are at odds with the easy life he had been led to believe was the norm Down Under. But the biggest surprise is in Mia’s connection to this land, to its denizens, and to the environment around her, through which she forges a stunning new purpose. What happens with Mia will change all of those around her, but none more than the man – her dearest friend – who needed to change the most. 

A story of transformation, dedication, and secrets hidden just beyond our sight, GOLDEN is a profound, moving, funny and consistently surprising tale.



"SS Turner weaves a tale of adventure with twists & surprises. If you’ve ever wondered what your dog is thinking, Golden is a must-read!"
Gregory Berns
New York Times bestselling author of How Dogs Love Us

The Connection Game

Benny Basilworth makes connections. A rare intellect, he sees things that others don’t see and draws conclusions that others completely fail to grasp. He has the kind of mind that can make a person a national sensation on the television gameshow The Connection Game- and the kind of mind that can be the target of predators.Despite his brilliance, Benny and his family find themselves destitute, living in a basement apartment with one tiny window that affords them only the view of the feet of passersby on the street above. It is from this vantagepoint that Benny once again starts making connections. Mad, inconceivable connections. Connections that can change lives . . . and turn the entire world upside down.Humorous, surprising, wise, and remarkably perceptive, The Connection Game is a novel unlike any other and one that you are unlikely to forget.

“A one-of-a-kind tale . . . a surprising and entertaining piece of work.”
Bill Fitzhugh
Award winning author of Pest Control

“The Connection Game is a mind-boggling novel…a rare book. I can guarantee you that you can’t stop reading till you reach the end once you start with it…SS Turner is a master at creating nuanced characters…The complexities of humans, the intricacies of relationships, and the truth of this world are explored in a beautiful manner. Turner shows us that nothing is ever how it appears…I highly recommend this book to people who are interested in the human mind. People who like reading psychological thrillers would love this book.

“I loved the author’s writing style and the unique storyline he brought to this novel. I found myself creating parallels to our current world–the limited/guided/controlled views brought to us via our little social media ‘windows’. I also became firmly attached to the outcomes and relationships of the characters. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with slightly different views of human nature–this is a must-read.” Book Corner News & Reviews

“The Connection Game is a thought-provoking and engaging novel that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end. With its unique premise, well-crafted characters, and blend of humor and intensity, this book is a must-read for anyone looking for a fresh and compelling story.” Review Thick and Thin

Secrets of a River Swimmer

A beautiful funny life-affirming novel…

As Freddy gazes at the majestic river gushing past him in the depths of a Scottish winter, he’s ready to jump in and end his life. But what happens next is not what Freddy expects. From the moment he enters the river, Freddy starts a journey which is more beautiful, funny, and mysterious than he could have imagined. And through this journey Freddy’s story becomes interweaved with a cast of unforgettable characters who are equally lost and in search of answers. Eventually they all unite in their quest for an answer to the biggest question of them all: will the river take them where they want to go?

"S.S. Turner has written a profound story that is about all our lives. He has found the connection that makes us all the same, while remaining unique. His words will resonate with every reader as they see themselves, find themselves embedded in them. You will not escape, you will not want to escape from the depth of your own world he reminds you is yours to be lived, to survive and thrive. I am honoured to have read an advance copy of Secrets of a River Swimmer and cannot recommend it highly enough."
Heather Morris
Best selling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz

“This is an amazing story full of heart break, full of hope, and ultimately full of inspiration….By finding yourself by trying to help others yet having the courage to say no when helping others betrays yourself. It’s all wrapped up in this inspiring tale of a journey down this river”

“This is a beautifully written, almost lyrical, account of one man and how the river saved his life…It’s magical at times, tragic at times, laugh out loud funny at times.

It not only entertained me, it uplifted me. It’s hard to believe this is the author’s first book”