

As published in Mansfield Readers & Writers Short Story Anthology The man known across the Australian advertising world as the “How do you feel” guy shifted on his feet with the nervousness of a younger, less confident man. His jacket was at least an inch too tight around the middle, so he’d have to restrain …


The Accent Interpreter – highly commended in “The Letter Review” short story competition

Monty Summers was an expert at telling people what they wanted to hear. And what they almost always wanted to hear were compliments which boosted their self-esteem from critically low levels. That’s why they consulted with him for his accent interpreting expertise. His website advertised his “impartial interpretation of the way the world responds to …

The Accent Interpreter – highly commended in “The Letter Review” short story competition Read More »

A day in the life of this writer

Some people believe writers are enigmatic figures who spend their days drinking alcohol and taking exotic drugs to enhance their creativity like Lord Byron or Keats were in their day. Others see writers as misunderstood misfits who spend too much time naval gazing to happily exist in the cold hard world of reality. I’m here …

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Swimming the River Tweed

As most wild swimmers will testify, the world’s best swimming spots are often the least known about and talked about. There’s something special about swimming in a beautiful spot which is raw and peaceful without a cast of thousands around you. That’s what the River Tweed is for me. It’s well known as a wonderful …

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The three waves of grief

The lake’s surface was silky smooth and reflected the sky back at itself with greater clarity than the original. He watched the reflection of the birds flying above the lake, and noticed one of them appeared to smile downwards. Had it noticed his presence, or was it gazing at its own reflection? He didn’t know. …

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Building your profile as an author

How can a new author build their profile amidst the vast world of writers, many of whom are already well-known? It’s a question I’ve been grappling with in recent months. I’m the author of Secrets of a River Swimmer, an inspirational and humorous fictional novel about a journey within a cold Scottish river. The book …

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